

  • Everyone has his or her dream, and pays for efforts and endeavors to create his or her brilliant

    future. 每一个人都有属于自己的梦想,都会努力用自己的双手去创造未来.Dream is motivator, which gives you confidence to set targets, gives you courage to fight on and on.有了梦想就等于有了动力,有了坚持下去的信心与拼搏的目标.

    Many people cannot see their future clearly, neither do they figure out the way when they are lost. Why? Because they have lost their compass taking the way, the right way, towards dreams.很多人对未来感到迷茫,他们经常走失在一个个现实的交叉路口,因为他们的生活没有航标. If one can set up a real and clear target, then reaching dream is just a matter of time. 没有一个正确的方向引领他们前进.而如果能定下一个明确而又现实的目标,便可以朝着梦想的方向远航.【NOTE: 个人觉得应该以正面积极来写】Nonetheless, target should be tailored, 当然,目标必须是适合自己的.neither too easy to accomplish nor too tough to reach. Easy targets always come with over-confidence while tough targets turn out to reduce self-esteem, doubt capacity and dip into unreal illusions.而如果定得太高,自己现有的能力又不可能完成的话,那将是不现实的,只会让人沉浸在对未来的幻想之中,无法自拔. Both kinds of target fails to work out well as the way it works. 【NOTE: here needs a conclusion】

    We are still young, we have dreams, energies. Those are our edges. So my young fellas, just do it!我们是年轻人,心中有理想,手中有力量,让我们大家共同努力,奔赴自己的理想吧!

    【纯手工翻译, hope it works】