The Moon and the rabbit月亮和兔子 作文


  • Once there was a family of rabbits who lived near a beautiful pool in the jungle(丛林)。从前兔子的一家住在丛林的小池旁边。Every evening the rabbits loved to see the big round moon reflected(倒影) in the water.每天晚上兔子们都喜欢看月亮在水里的倒影。One day some elephants stopped to drink the water.They liked the pool very much. So much that they decided(决定) to stay.一天,几只大象来喝水了。它们也很喜欢那小池,决定要留下来。The rabbits weren’t very happy. “Those elephants are too big!” said the oldest rabbit.“They will squash(挤压) us under their big clumsy(笨拙) feet. We must tell them to go away.”但是兔子们不高兴了。“这些大象太大了!”年纪最大的兔子说,“会把我们踩在它们笨拙的脚下,我们必须让它们离开这儿。”But none of the rabbits were brave(勇敢的) enough.但是没有一只兔子敢去说。Then the smallest rabbit spoke up, “I’ve got a idea!” he squeaked.忽然,最小的兔子说话了:“我有一个好主意!”That night the smallest rabbit hid in the grass by the pool.那天晚上,最小的兔子藏在小池边的矮树丛里。The Moon’s reflection shine big and round and silver in the water.银色月亮的倒影在水中显得又大又圆。When the elephants came to drink the rabbit called out, “Ooh Elephants, I am the moon and this pool is mine!”大象来喝水的时候,那只兔子喊道:“噢,大象,我是月亮,这个小池是我的!”“You are drinking my water!”“你在喝我的水!”The Elephants were amazed(惊讶)! They couldn’t see the little rabbit, they thought the Moon really was talking to them!大象很惊讶!它们看不见小兔子,认为月亮真的对他们说话呢。One elephant put his trunk into the water to touch the Moon’s reflection.一只大象把它的鼻子放进了水里摸月亮的倒影。And it broke up into tiny little waves.它把月亮的倒影弄成了碎条条。“Look what you’ve done!” cried the smallest rabbit. “I’m so angry I’m broken into a thousand pieces!”“看你在干什么!”那只兔子喊道。“我可生气了,我都变成碎条条了!”The elephants looked at the water and thought the Moon really was angry.大象看了看池里的水,想月亮真的生气了。They went away and never came back.它们走了,再也不肯回来了。All the rabbits came out and danced. They thanked the smallest rabbit for his good idea and the reflection of the silver Moon twinkled in the pool again.所有的兔子都出来跳舞,它们感谢最小的兔子的好主意,月亮的倒影又在池里闪耀起来了。