关于样品,我们已经有TYCH提供的样品了(如附件),并已安排Lanxi按照这个样品去做了;对于发光Wall Bay的最新进展,我们也在等待Lanxi对于发光层板结构设计的图纸,最终将怎样还没有定论,如果你有什么更好的提议,请让我知道.对于时间,在Luise 没回来之前,我暂时没办法给你答复,请谅解.
For the sample,we have got one from TYCH(as attachment),and already arranged Lanix to start production based on it; And with regards to the latest progress of light-emitting Wall Bay,we are also waiting for the drawing designed by Lanix for the sturcture of light-emitting layer plate,but still not fixed yet,if you have other better proposal,please feel free to inform us.As for the time,we temporarily cannot give you exact reply before Luise comes back,please kindly understand.