帮忙改英语作文As we all know,parents are the first teacher in child


  • As we all know,parents are the first teacher in children’s life. Whatever the parents do,it will affect children’s behaviour.So,in my opinion, parents’attitudes towards solving teenagers' problems are crucial determinants to their personality development .And parents are the leaders in our life.In China, there is an old proverb ,”Like father, like son”, which is the best explanation for it.Parents have a lot of experience,so they want us to be on the right direction. Parents, just like the light in the darkness, which directs us to go stright; like the sky of the life door(这句想表达什么意思?), which opens the door to success; like the quiet stones, which help us enter the paradise of success. So, parents play a key role in our life. My family is like this. When I was a child, my parents often told me that I had to be honest, responsible and conscientious to face everything in my life .They do make it. Beacause their attitudes towards life are just like this .At first, I was impetuous, thought that was out of date . As time goes on, I gradually know how good they are and accept them.Because of this, I become more outstanding. But some parents bring something bad to children.They somke, drink, fight and even beat their children, make these children’s fragile hearts broken.So after they've grown up, they resemble their parents who are cruel and fierce.Eventually, they bury their welfare , end up going to jail. Anyway,the imporance of parents' attitudes can never be overvalued. With the development of social ideology, many tough people become tired of the tratidional Chinese parents’attitudes .But parents do want us to be awesome. Parents are survery’s poles ,we should be like them, because we are young , we don’t have the ability of tell things right from wrong.Parents ‘ attitudes will more or less give children some implications,which make them become more and more successful.What’s more, if we can do what parents do ,we will have perfect persionality development. In conclusion, parents' attitudes towards solving teenagers' problems are crucial determinants to their personality development.