She takes train to the centre of London
She goes to the center of London by train.同义句。求学霸,速度啊啊
She goes to school by bike同义句She goes to school _____ _____00
in the center of London同义句(三个空)00
she usually goes to work by bike .(同义句)she usually goes to w00
after that she goes to the factory by bus的同义句,00
after that she goes to the factory by bus的同义句00
she goes to Americe by piane 同义句转换00
She goes to HongKong by plane.(改同义句)00
Father usually goes to work by train every day变同义句00
she usually goes to work by bike .(同义句) she usually --------00
英语同义句转换We took the train to London.00