

  • 沧浪亭位于苏州城南沧浪亭街,是现存苏州最古的园林.其地初为五代时吴越国广陵王钱元璙近戚中吴军节度使孙承佑的池馆.北宋庆历五年(公元1045年),诗人苏舜钦(子美)流寓吴中,以四万钱购得园址,傍水构亭名“沧浪”,取《孟子.离娄》和《楚辞》所载孺子歌“沧浪之水清兮,可以濯吾缨;沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯吾足”之意,作《沧浪亭记》.自号“沧浪翁”.南宋时为抗金名将韩世忠所居,人称韩园.元延佑年间僧宗敬在其遗址建妙隐庵.明嘉靖三年(公元1524年),苏州知府胡缵宗于妙隐庵建韩蕲王祠.嘉靖二十五年(公元1546年)僧文瑛复建沧浪亭,归有光作《沧浪亭记》.

    Canglang Pavilion located in the Suzhou city, canglang booth Street, is the most ancient extant Suzhou gardens. At the beginning of its way to the five dynasties Yue Guangling Wang Qian Yuan Liao near Qi Wu servant Sun Cheng in Union pool hall. Qingli five years (the a.d. 1045), poet ping (sub-) stream Yu Wu, to some money buy Park site, near the water structure Pavilion "canglang", take the Mencius. Lou "and" songs of the song "blue waves of the teachable and clear water, can my feathers; near to the gentle waves of water turbidity, may; my foot", as the gentle waves tingji ". Since the number of "canglang Weng". Song for the anti-Gold Star Hanshizhong, asserts Han Park. Motonobu Woo years monk were built in their site offering wonderful hidden Temple. Period of three years (the a.d. 1524), Suzhou shaped Hu Zuan implicit in Miao Qi Wang temple built in South Korea. Jiajing period 25 years (the a.d. 1546) monk Wenying rebuilding canglang Pavilion, in the light as the gentle waves tingji ".


    Qing dynasty Kangxi 23 years (1684), Jiangsu Governor King new life built minaret (Shun-chin) Temple. Kangxi 34 years (the a.d. 1695), Jiangsu Governor, looking for the song the most complex structure canglang Pavilion in the mountains, and to build a big fish, the victory Inn, step, such as qi Gallery Daoguang, additional 500-yin Temple, the period of ten years (the a.d. 1860) destroyed by binghuo. Tongzhi 12 years (the a.d. 1873) reconstruction.


    Canglang Pavilion area 16.5 acres, is one of the large garden in Suzhou, with song-garden style, is an example of impressionistic landscape.


    Canglang Pavilion garden art out of the ordinary, not into the Garden Gate will see a green water around the Park, walking across the bridge before entry. The Park is dominated by Stone King, a soil-, long so tall. A mountain of vintage secluded bamboo slender, Sensen, on top of the Hill is the wing so the surging waves shiting volley. Mountain landscape with a pond, cut between a tortuous compound Gallery, Gallery flowers form in masonry, leakage through the Gallery, the visible landscape was long. Rockery southeastern Fleming Road Church is the main building and garden, and Ming Tong things relative is 500-yin Temple. The most southern of the garden is located in the holiday house above the cave at Mountain House, Mountain House, North is turquoise, Linglong Museum revisited to the North to too high, too high to Trincomalee to out inscriptions.


    Park to discover the simple rustic charm, rich forest grows perceptibly. Pool water stick, guting wing so, Inn Pavilion complex Gallery, trees, outside, in the large gardens of Suzhou.
