

  • Having completed the Bachelor and Master courses at University of Sydney, I'm full experienced on working with people with who I’m not familiar in different background. We may have something in different, but the key poin is that we respect the contribution of each other. It is the only way to make a group of people working as a team. If we can pick up the strength of different members, the work will be done more effectively and efficiently.

    For example, I experienced a group assessment for tax law. Our group comprised 4 members who came from India, Germany, Australia, China respectively. At the time, I was the leader of the group. In order to make things done, the first things I did was identifying the strengths of every person. I noticed that the Indian did well in research on relevant laws and references, so he was responsible for most research work. The German was expert in applying laws in logical manner. He generated ideas and we discussed them together. I’m good at communicating with other groups and collecting material from last semester, so I was mainly responsible for idea collection and checking. Since the Australian was a native speaker, he was in charge of checking grammar and spelling. Combining all the works we have done, the report was finished on time and the final result was high-distinction.大概修改了下,不太专业,感觉语法方面问题不大.
