Actually, most of major cities enjoy the same problem of over populaiton where comes from people from less developing city to advanced development city, in which they believe they may have better life. Unfortunately, this kind of moving creates millions of problems to local citizen in may ways. Just name a few. Transportation, House, Empolyeement.
Traffice jam happened on every rush hours, you may find no way to go and road has been converted into huge park lot. A lot of cities try to use plate control to mininize total amount cars on road, such as Singapore, Shanghai and Beijing.
When you work in a city, the first thing you have to do is to find a place to live no matter rent or buy. The real-estate has been bloomed in most of big cities for the huge market demanding.
Competetion among all fields of professions are inevitable, sometimes it is more intensive than presidential campion.
Those bring a huge impact to local people daily life, and some of them couldn't be sovled. The only way out is to live with them and work with them. Or you may choose to leave to another less crowed place to live.
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