countries should try to produce all food that their populati


  • I am not for this point of view

    Firstly,it is not possible that one country could produce all the food to its people because of shortage of any possible resource and geographic conditions to cultivate that.Thus,it is

    not realistic for China to solely rely on itself to produce all the food to meet with people's consuming need.

    Secondly with China's joining the World Treaty Organization and the intensification of globalizing economy China should stick to its openning-up policy and actively interact with the international community rather than blindly emphasize self-sufficiency

    Thirdly According to economic principles it is widely acknowledged that investment is one of the three drives to stimulate national economy.In order to make sure that the economy can advance in a sustainable fast and healthy way,China had better engage itself in making sensiblle and appropriate investments in foreign countries.Accordingly ,importing exotic food which our land does not abund in,a possible form of making investments can be justified.

    Lastly,from economic perspective import must coordinate with export.national economy will be undergo unfavorable impact if excessive emphasis is placed on either part.

    所以 本人不是很赞成你的观点 不过仅供参考