Dressed like a baggar,the old man entered the restaurant and set down at the table.
英语用非谓语动词合并.An old man was dressed like a baggar.He entered t
英语 非谓语动词 急1.The old man is so old that he can’t work.The old00
One day an old man entered a hospital He was unhappy because00
用非谓语动词合并 Eric hasnot realized that he was in great danger .H00
He doesn't look like an old man in his ____(eighty)00
There is an old man in America.He doesn't like children at a00
英语翻译There is an old man in New York.He doesn't like children00
The old man didn't have an umbrella-----------him,and he was00
A well-dressed man entered a famous jewelry shop. He explain00
英语翻译The Old Man And the Sea He was an old man who fished alo00
非谓语动词在复合句中,从句可以用谓语动词么?When he was waiting for the bus,he saw00