

  • 找了一个多小时,我就找到这些,差不多都是植物学上的专用名词.


    碧桃 flowering peach

    慈菇 arrowhead

    淡竹 Phyllostachys glauca

    凤尾兰 Spanish dagger

    黄栌 smoke tree

    火棘 pyracantha

    茭白 wild rice stem

    金银木 Amur honeysuckle

    锦带花 weigela flor

    腊梅 a wintersweet

    李树 plum tree

    连翘 forsythia

    芦苇 reed

    栾树 goldenrain tree

    麦冬 radix ophiopogonis

    木瓜 pawpaw

    木槿 rose of Sharon; shrubalthea; wild cotton; Hibiscus syriacus

    蒲草 the stem or leaf of cattail

    七叶树 a buckeye; a horse chestnut

    千屈菜 willow herb

    蔷薇 rose

    楸树 Catalpa bungei

    三角枫 trident maple

    石榴 a pomegranate

    石楠 Photinia serrulata

    柿树 a persimmon; a persimmon tree

    水杉 a metasequoia

    蓑衣草 sedge

    桃树 a peach (tree)

    贴梗海棠 Chaenomeles lagenaria Koidz

    杏树 almond

    雪松 a cedar

    银杏 a ginkgo tree; a maidenhair tree

    樱花 cherry blossoms

    迎春 winter jasmine(Jasminum nudiflorum)

    油松 Chinese pine

    榆叶梅 Prunus triloba Lindl

    鸢尾 an iris; a fleur-de-lis

    云杉 dragon spruce; spruce

    紫荆 Chinese redbud

    紫薇 crape myrtle