请你永远记住我以下所写 let us 用 will you ,let`s 用 shall we
Mum,let's go to the supermaarket.B:________ ________?Shall w
急,Let's go to the movie,shall we?与Let us go out for a walk,w
let's go to the cinema,shall we?
Let‘s go to the Great Wall by bus,(shall we/arent’we/don”t w
Let's go to watch the football match,shall we
优化P4 Mum,let us go out to play,( )( )? A.shall we B.will you
祈使句反意疑问句的回答let's go to the park,shall we?let us go to the pa
Let's go to the theatre together,shall we? a.me.too b.i don'
shall we go to the cinema,mum的同意句_ _ to the cinem,mum的形式
Let's go to the movie,shall we?与Let us go out for a walk,wil
句型转换。 1. Let’s go to the English comer, shall we?