把句子改为被动语态!20.they can't mend the bike in that shop.21.you sh


  • 20the bike can't be ment by them in that shop.

    21.her baby should be took good care of by you .

    22.it may be took by you back home.

    23.may the baby be looked after by me at home?

    24.must our exercise-books be handed in now?

    25.can this radio be ment by you here?

    26.the work can be finished by whom in two days.

    27.silk was produced by them in SuZhou.

    28.an English song will be sang by the children .

    29.it needn't be done now.by you

    30.a New Year Card was sent by lucy last week.

    31.metal was used by people for making machines.

    32.I was made to do that for him.

    33.this book has been given to the library.by me

    34.is a bridge built here a year ago by them?