

  • p63 1T2T3F4F

    P64 John likes collecting stamps

    Mike likes playing the violin

    Chen Jie likes drawing pictures.

    p65 There are many desks and chairs in the classroom.There are many watermelons and apples on the desks. Many presents are on the desks.There is a board on the wall ,and there is a picture on the board.

    p66 1.China 2.friends3.pandas4.noodles 5.Chinese

    p67 1Zhang Peng is playing the piano.2.Yes, he is3.No, they aren't4.ED is opening a prensent.5.Amy and wu Yifan are playing games.

    p68 1.post office 2.It has many problems.3. mirror4. stamp5. ton 6.table

    p70 1d Zhang Peng 2.b Chen Jie 3.a Mike 4c Amy