(Amber and Alla are both shopping for something at the store)
Amber:look who is here! Alla, it's been a long time since i saw you. How you doing?
Alla:Hey Amber!i was about to go to your house today.
Amber:Good, so that i can show you my favorite book that i recently discovered.
Alla:okay, and afterward we can watch the New Moon together, i've heard from friend that this movie is the best movie ever!
Amber:The one about vampire? ohhh, i have several of this kind of books in my book collection!like the The vampire in lore and legend and..., okay I'll show you when you go to my house, i just can't remember the names now.
Alla:hah, you are such nut about reading. Anyway, how is you holiday so far?
Amber: I've got to read more books than i expected, and i am so excited about the Harry Potter that is going to release during this holiday. And yours?
Alla:me, i have to take care of my grandmother, she is sick, but she got some wonderful movies at her house too.
Amber: seem you got a very nice holiday, so you going to finish them up?
Alla: yeah..okay let's go to your house right now, i can't wait to show you my movie!
(Amber's house)
Amber:see, that is book i was talking about, it's a really touched one. The vampire had kill his beloved one accidentally at the end of the story, but i thought they were going to stay together forever!
Alla:emmmm, really nice plot, but i would want to see it if it was a movie.
Amber: why?
alla: it's hard to say, but i really like to see people are acting out the unreal thing, which i can then watch it on tv.
Amber:That's is true, but movies are putting up move details than what it has in a movie. That is way i like to read the book than to watch it from TV.
Alla:can't argue with you, but i like movies better.
Amber: yeah that is just like you say potato and i say potahto!
Alla: agree, they are still the same thing.
alla好呀,看完之后我们可以一起看new moon,我朋友肯我说这是最好看的一部电影!
amber关于吸血鬼的那个?ohh,我也有一些关于吸血鬼的书了!就像vampire in lore and legend(书名)还有.等你到我家时我给你看,我现在记不起来.
amber:我读了比我预想的还多的书,还有我特别期待那个预备在这个假日里出版的harry potter(书名),你的假日了?
abmer:这个就像potato和potahto!(这里要说以下you say potato, and i say potahto是一个谚语,意思是potato和potahto的读法不1样,不过都是同一种东西,形容一样的东西不一样的见解)