Do you know the boy seated in the classroom?为什么不是Do you know


  • 这个确实很多同学不明白

    首先我们要理解一下主谓宾结构.谓语就是动词,举例:I teach you我教你就是主谓宾.这句话变成陈述语序好理解一点:you know the boy seated in the classroom.你知道这个坐在教室的男孩.这里面的主句是你you know the boy什么样的男孩呢?坐在教室里的,所以用seated in the classroom来修饰,作的是定语.(过去分词作定语)

    如果像后来所说的,you know the boy is seated in the classroom就是错的.因为这句话the boy是宾语,不能当 is seated 的主语.这在汉语里面叫做句式杂糅.要么you know the boy,the boy is seated in the classroom.要么you know the boy seated in the classroom.不能这样混搭.用汉语举个例子:我的同桌是李明,李明是可爱的.不能说成:我的同桌是李明是可爱的.是一个道理,如何避免呢?就用到了之前说的过去分词作定语.

    如果学习了定语从句就可以说成you know the boy who is seated in the classroom.
