

  • All stories read by Stephen Eley.Every now and then we strike it rich.Usually we make a profit.Once in a while we just break even.There’s only been one world where we actually lost money; I still remember it — Greenwillow.Except that it wasn’t green,and there wasn’t a willow on the whole damned planet.There was a robot,though.We found him,me and the Baroni,in a barn,half-hidden under a pile of ancient computer parts and self-feeders for mutated cattle.We were picking through the stuff,wondering if there was any market for it,tossing most of it aside,when the sun peeked in through the doorway and glinted off a prismatic eye.“Hey,take a look at what we’ve got here,” I said.“Give me a hand digging it out.”Rated R.Contains profanity and some sadness.

    robots do not cry