It is no surprise that...这样的句式就需要虚拟!表达一种强调的语气.
It is no surprise that Tom should have won the match,这句话为什么要
It is a pity that you should have to leave.这句话中为什么要用should h00
Tom won the first prize is surprising这句前面要加个啥00
I admire that they won the match.请问这句话应该如何改正?00
it is no wonder that was late 这句话对么?that后要不要加 it?00
—It was surprising that your brother should have________my s00
这句话对吗?Tom and Mary both have won prizes.00
Just the other way,it was Tom who broke the promise.这句话中为什么要00
这句话的意思the beginning is a mistake,but it is a won00
is that your ruler? it is____,tom's00
we all thought ___that the football match should have been p00