英语翻译1.Microsoft raises spectre of doubt on tech recovery SAN
英语翻译San Francisco is called one of the most beautiful cities
英语翻译请教高手翻译人名Anna Karczemska和Institute of Turbomachinery,Tech
英语翻译the solid evidence of recovery is evident in these lates
英语翻译I would raise one end of the box several feet in the air
英语翻译1.for the avoidance of doubt,saturday is not considered
cast doubt on the feasibility of a
英语翻译it is,of course,doubtful that the intensity of satisfact
His wealth,is based on his company,Microsoft,of which he own
请帮忙翻译Provision of recovery seats up to 15% of seats allocate
_____ no doubt _____ the Amber Room is one of the wonders of