一道托福口语题目,该怎么说呢?some people think that attending team sports


  • Well,as far as I am concerned,I think that attending team sports can better help children to have a sense of cooperation,and I have two reasons for that.

    Firstly,team sports:such as football or basketball need team work,so children have to learn how to work together and help each other to come over the difficulties and win the game.In this process,children will gradually realize that cooperation between teammates is more important than any other factors to win the game or achieve the goal.

    Second,during the team sports,children will have more chances to communicate with each other,and they can give their own opinions and advices on how to improve skills.So,in the process,they will learn how to deal with others,and how to make friends with others.These practical experiences will enable them to be more mature and capable in the future.