

  • Ben loves (playing) computer games.He always plays computer (games) until midnight.

    One day,Ben also (played) computer games and did not sleep and (did) his homework.His mother came to his room and was very angry.‘Go to bed now!’ (she) shouted.

    One the next day,Ben slept in the English test because he was so sleepy.His teacher (was) very disappointed and woke him up.Ben (didn`t) feel shame.He still didn't eat (and) sleep (at) night

    because he played computer games again.

    In the English lessons,the English teacher gave back the exam paper to the students.(when) Ben received the paper,he was (surprised).It was because he got a ‘F’!He was (frightened).He apologized to his teacher and his mother.He also (swore) that he never played computer games again.