英语Last mile problem是什么意思?我知道直译是最后一哩难题!


  • 这是" 最终难题", 也称为"最后一公里难关"计算机术语

    这个术语,用来描述,许多高速技术虽然得到使用, 但是很多家庭的电话系统仍通过慢速系统连接到互联网, 这造成带宽不匹配, 高速技术得不到很好的发挥

    last mile problem A term used to describe the fact that many home telephone systems are still connected to the Internet via slow media. There is a major BANDWIDTH mismatch between this type of connection and the high-speed technologies that are gradually being deployed, such as ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSFER MODE.