以 my vacation 为题写作.英语作文.


  • My Vacation我的假期

    On May Day,we have three days' vacation.I will travel to Beijing with my parents.As we all know,Beijing is the capital of China,it has many places of interest,such as,the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,the Temple of Heaven,and Summer Palace,etc.I will take a lot of photos there.Also,it has many delicious food,for example,the Peking Duck,sugar gourd.I like them very much,and I think I will have fun eating so much delicious food.I can't wait for the days coming.在5月的一天,我们有三天假期.我将前往北京,我的父母.我们都知道,北京是中国的首都,它有很多有趣的地方,比如,长城、故宫、天坛,颐和园等.我要带很多的照片.同时,它有许多好吃的食物,例如,北京烤鸭、糖葫芦……我非常喜欢,我想我将愉快地吃这么多美味的食物.我不能等待的日子来临.