英语题o(∩_∩)o...1.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Mr ward____(go)to teach English


  • 1.Mr ward__will go__(go)to teach English in Japan next year.

    2.A:What's your monitor doing?

    B:He's__talking__(talk)with Mr Green.

    3.Here_are___(be)some new photos.Would you like to have a look at them?

    4.I__am taking__(take)these new books to the classroom.The students__are waiting__(wait)for them now.

    5.My sister__studies__(study)English in the Shanghai Foreign Language School.

    6.Bob__wants__(want)to be a football player in the futurn.So he__plays__(play)football every day.

    7.A:Who__comes__(come)to school first every morning?


    8.When___is_the next train__leaving__(leave)for Nanjing?

    9.The first class usually__begins__(begin)at 8:00.

    10.could you please__meet__(meet)Mr ward at the bus station?

    11.The play_is___(be)interesting.I'm sure your_enjoying___(enjoy)it.