

  • In this imperfect world nothing is perfect and so is nothing permanent. Even the planets and stars are said to have been allotted their own ‘ends.

    Does it mean that we stop trying and working or aspiring for fame and name? Do we stop dreaming or cherishing hope and ambition? Never. As long as we live in this world, we remain in perseverance not aspiring for name and fame, though our perseverance for good brings us name and fame. The word ‘fame’ means ‘public eminence’ and the more people acknowledge the greatness of a person, the more famous the latter becomes. But the fame the one has earned neither lasts longer and longer; nor does it prevail in every nation of the world. What emphasis I want to lay upon is that however famous a person may be, he/she does not remain famous for ever, nor does he/she earn eminence from all the peoples of the world. Even in his own nation, fame eludes him.

    Now a question arises whether we should stop persevering for ‘fame and name’ thinking that nothing is ever-lasting and widespread. The answer is in the negative as if we do not relish developing thoughts in our mind, our life will become worthless and at the same time the Creation of God will have no meaning. We are meant to live and work and to work and live. Our destination is not to earn ‘name and fame’ but our destination is to perform good deeds. Do such persons ever think of their personal gains like worldly possessions or spiritual gains? Perhaps not. They are never worried about whether they will become famous or not after they breathed their last. But they become famous and the present and coming generations take their name with honour and pride. But how long? In due course of time man becomes oblivious of every incident or every event or every achievement the famous persons have achieved and even of the famous personalities who have made many sacrifices for human beings.

    A man is famousonly when he entertains honesty, piety, righteousness, perseverance and his sacrifices for the welfare of human beings and other creatures.A famous person remembers: ‘Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you have never been hurt. Dance like nobody is watching. Honesty undoubtedly makes a person famous. ‘ Honest work never disgraced anybody, no matter what kind it may be.’

    In this world we are born to lead our life as well as we can. We should never entertain pessimism but optimism. Acharya Mahaprajna says: ‘Hope: The only definition of life.’ Here runs an Arabian proverb: ‘He who has wealth has hope and who has a hope has everything.’ In order to materialize our hope we endeavour to get success. But at the same time we should cherish the saying of the great essayist Charles Lamb: ‘My motto is: Contented with little ,yet wishing more.’ Selfless perseverance makes one famous as the majority are benefited by your selfless perseverance.

    As long as we live in this world we should never refrain ourselves from dreaming and persevering and loving. James Dean says: ‘Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die to-day.’ ‘All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers.Our love for others should be selfless and at the same time ‘we must refrain ourselves from mischief, pride and every kind of evil, for our higher life is based on our probation on this very earth.

