英语任务型阅读求大神Do you exercise every day?Some of you do,but many


  • Do you exercise every day? Some of you do, but many of you don’t.

    Some students say they① don’t have any time to exercise. “We must work hard. We have a lot of homework to do. We will have an exam tomorrow.” They can make many excuses(借口).

    Of course , hard work is good②.但是你不能把所有的时间花在学习上. Please remember everyone needs rest and exercise. Exercise can make people healthy. Some students often catch a cold. Why? Because they don’t exercise. They are not healthy.

    ③ We don’t have to exercise for a long time every day. Half an hour is enough. You can run or walk. You can go swimming ,too. They are very easy for you , right?

    You can exercise with your parents or friends. Exercise can be fun. And they can help you keep healthy. So why not exercise every?

    1. 用一个词组替代①处划线内容______have no time to exercise________________________.

    2.将②处中文译成英文 ___but you can't spend all your time in studying.______________

    3. 写出③处划线句子的中文意思.____每天我们并不必长时间锻炼________________

    4. How long does the writer want us to exercise every day?____Half an hour_______

    5. We need to exercise because it is good for our ___health_____.