Don't forget to turn off the TV when you go to bed


  • Don't forget to turn off the TV when you go to bed


    A Ok,I will B No,I will C yes,I won't D No,I won't

    答案是D,为什么不选A啊?因为反义句,回答是根据实际情况来回答的,你选A就相当于,OK,I will forget.

    He will give me a call as soon as he______

    A will arrive B will reach C arrives D reaches

    为什么不选D reach不是不用加介词吗 因为reach是及物动词,必须带宾语,而这里没有宾语,所以用不及物动词C

    I found it hard ______ on time because of the rain.

    A to arrive B to teach C to get
