

  • He didn't live here.He moved__D__the city ten months ago.

    A out from B out of from C onto D out of

    The woman was__C__in that hotel before she came here

    A on service B on the service C in service D in the service

    两家钢铁厂________Two ironworks


    My hometown has had great changes(u.)


    I_______was__born______there and I _____knew_______it____since____I was very___little______


    His mother has fallen ill for two days.fallen----been

    My brother has joined the Army since 1990 joined---been in

    Our teacher has left Jiangying for a month.for a month---a month ago

    The dogs have died since yesterday morning died----been dead

    The classes have finished for twenty minutes 去掉have,for 最后加ago

    The film has begun since 7:30 ______since---at

    He has come to Beijing for a week ______come --- been

    Millie'e cousin has been to the USA for almost ten years._______正确

    He has left Beijing since two days ago.______去掉since

    Have there had a school for more than 100 years?Have---Are 去掉had

    empty 的反义词full


    We don't know who will win the match.The result is ___uncertain____(certain)

    I don't think you ___passed__(pass)the final exam since you___didn·t work__(not work)hard.

    How long___have___you___been____like this?(be)


    不再no longer never bo more

    改正错误correct the error



    She's ever been to America.(改为否定句 一般疑问句 并做肯定、否定回答)

    she has not ever been to……

    Has she ever been to……

    yes,she has /no she has not

