

  • 我们很抱歉的通知您,由于供应商的物料存在严重的质量问题,我们基于以安全质量第一的态度,内部决定不得不再一次延期for these product.新的交货期我们将安排下个月初交货.对此我们深感抱歉,但这也是我们对客户品质保证的承诺.

    We are sorry to inform you that,due to the serious quality problem of the materials from our suppliers,and based on the attitude of "Quality Comes First",we have decided on our side that we have to postpone the delivery of these products.The new date of delivery will be the beginning of next month.We are sorry for this,but it shows our concern and guarantee about our product quality.

    其次,由于本次LC 的expire date 将要过期.我们希望你能重新update 下日期给我们.

    In addition,as the L/C is about to expire,we appreciate it if you could renew the L/C expiration date for us.

