

  • 1 where are the boys from?

    2 Kumiko is from Japan .

    3 Mr White is a doctor.

    4 My english teacher is from Songtao.

    5 THE NewYork is in USA

    6 welcome to our class.

    7 John is an English boy

    8 the Huangguoshu Waterfall is in Guizhou

    9 His name is Brazil and he's from Ronaldo

    10 The twins are from CHINA but they're in London now

    11 Have a nice day!

    二 1 Excuse in an HOW like

    This is LU MEI's bike 后面个看不懂

    三1 Is this 2 are not 3哪里画线我不知道 等下在说

    4 NO isn't 5 IS this bus

    四 1 I'm 改为I am

    2 This改为HE

    3 is改为does

    4 AND大写?是你打错还是题就这样 要是没错就改are为is 没打错改小写

    5 What改为which
