英语句型变换,是怎么改的 求方法


  • Does she like swiming?

    I have not work every evening.

    she does not often eat fish at lunchtime .

    Why does XIAOYAN like living in shagnhai?

    How much cream we need to buy for four people?

    Does he always work on tuesday?

    Do not put them on the table.

    Do we have a car?

    When is he flying for shanghai?

    How many eggs in the basket?

    这些题目主要考查的是BE动词还是实意动词做的谓语,如果是实意动词的话,疑问句等需要介绍助动词DO 或DOES ,这个要看主要是单数还是复数,是第一人称还是第三人称等.如果是BE动词 ,就直接用BE动词进行反问或否定