

  • If you thought your life was over when you hit 30 or 40,then bad news - it may have happened much earlier.如果你觉得30岁或者40岁的时候人生就无望了,那么坏消息来了.这个时间点可能更早一些.

    Most people have enjoyed the best memories of their life by the age of 25,according to new research.根据这项新研究,大多数人在25岁以前就拥有了他们一生中最美好的回忆.

    A survey of retired people found the life changing highlights etched on their brains happened before they reached age of 25.调查发现,退休人群认为让他们印象深刻的人生中至关重要的事情在他们25岁之前就发生了.

    It is the first study of its kind to use a ‘naturalistic approach’ by collecting free flowing stories in which participants were asked to narrate their own biographies in just 30 minutes.