Don't eat meat英语作文


  • Don't eat meat We should not eat meat or use animal products. A vegetarian diet is healthierthan a diet with a lot of meat. Vegetables and fruits contain more minerals andvitamins than animal products, it is healthier not to eat meat or animal productsso we should eat bananas instead of bacon.In the past, we had no choice, but today we have too much to choose from. It isnot right to kill animals for food or clothing and animals should not be kept in smallcages. We must stop treating animals in this way. Finally, we must stop eating meatif we want to survive. Animal farms use up too much of our resources. We should usethe land for other kind of farming that gives us more food. If we stop eating meat, wewill treat our animals better, protect our planet and use our resources in a better way.So please don't touch the hamburger,steak and sausage and don't buy that fur-coatshelp make the world better.