

  • 1. 分析不良图片,变形部分位於口部,明显被压扁的痕迹,而贵司铝壳在我司一直采用逐个外观全检及袋装方式包装,此种不良完全可以在外观工位剔除;

    1. By checking pictures, we found that the defective issues are happned in the mouse part, which has a obvious print of pressing.Since those products have been inspected by you one by one and packed with bags, this defective issue can be found during appearance inspection.

    2. 贵司的送货方式为货柜出货,我司研判此种不良是因装柜和卸货方式不当,铝壳受挤压产生变形.

    2. The shipping method of these products are by container. We judge this defective issue happened because of the unproper behavior during loading and discharging. Which leads to the product became deformed with pressure.