


    Judy is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution.She is interviewing Doctor Ray,a scientist,about trees.

    JUDY Why are you so interested in trees,Doctor Ray?

    DR RAY They’re the biggest and oldest living things on Earth,Judy.

    JUDY But what are they useful for?

    DR RAY Many things.For example,the wood in your pencil,the rubber on the end of your pencil,and the paper in your notebook all come from trees.Also,do you enjoy breathing fresh air?

    JUDY Of course.

    DR RAY Then you must thank trees for that,too.Trees are natural air conditioners.They cool the air and clean it.Three trees can do the job of 15 air conditioners.

    JUDY You know a lot about trees,Doctor.

    DR RAY Not really.Scientists are only now beginning to understand them.For example,when insects attack a tree,it can warn its neighbours.The other trees then produce a chemical to make their leaves taste bad to protect themselves.Some trees can also join their roots together underground,and pass each other food and water.Trees are communicating with one another,but we don’t know how.

    JUDY Are trees in danger?

    DR RAY Yes,they are in great danger.We cut down and burn a lot of trees every year.We are destroying our best fighters against pollution.



    茱蒂 为什么是你如此在树,医生光线中感兴趣?

    医生光线 他们在地球上是大和老的生物,茱蒂.

    茱蒂 但是他们是什么是有用的对?

    医生光线 许多事物.举例来说,在你的铅笔中的木材,在你的铅笔的结束上的橡皮,和在你的笔记本的纸全部来自树.同时,,你喜欢呼吸新鲜的空气吗?

    茱蒂 当然.

    医生光线 然后你也一定为那谢谢树.树是天然的空调.他们冷却空气而且清理它.三棵树能做 15个空调的工作.

    茱蒂 你有关树,医生知道很多.

    医生光线 不是真的.科学家只有现在正在开始了解他们.举例来说,当昆虫攻击一棵树的时候,它能警告它的邻居.其他树然后生产化学物质使他们的树叶尝坏的保护他们自己.一些树也能参加他们的根一起地下的,和途径彼此食物和水.树正在与彼此沟通,但是我们不知道如何.

    茱蒂 树有危险吗?

    医生光线 是的,他们在棒的危险方面.我们每年减低而且燃烧许多树.我们正在破坏对抗污染的我们最好的斗士.