初中英语用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Just a few years ago, tomatoes_____(belie


  • 1.Just a few years ago ,tomatoes were believed(tomatoes是被相信为 所以用被动语态 a few years ago是表示过去的时间状语 所以用were )to have magical powers,making people who ate them fall in love.

    2.I wanted to ask him for help,but he was sleeping(wanted是过去的事态 想问的时候他睡了正再睡 过去进行时) so soundly that I decided(过去的决定) to do it alone.

    3.Mary told me that the witch cut(转述 引语) an inch of the princrss's hair when the princess answering(伴随状语 a question incorrectly.

    1.He and his family are going to Beijing for a-ten-day(又连字符的合成形容词没有复数) holiday.

    2.The old man must be spoken to politely.

