几道初三英语单项选择求详细解释8.Tom misses his father very much because his


  • C8.Tom misses his father very much because his father __ Japan for two years.

    A.has gone to B.has been to C.has been in D.went to

    C10.The teacher must __ carefully.

    A.be listened B.listen to C.be listened to D.listen

    D.He's finished his homework already,__?

    A.is he B.isn't he C.has he D.hasn't he

    B12.___unusual music he is playing!All of us are losing ourselves in it.

    A.What B.What an C.How a D.What a

    C19.His mother often made him __ after school.

    A.don't play B.not play C.not to play D.don't to play

    B1.Have you got __ e-mail address?I want to e-mail some photos to you.

    —Yes,I've got __.

    A.a;it B.an;one C.the;one D./;it

    B2.The days we look forward to __ at last.

    A.coming B.came C.comes D.be coming

    D6.___ a year does your school have sports meeting?—Twice a year.

    A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How many times

    D13.He has __ for three or four days.

    A.got a headache B.fallen ill C.cayght a cold D.had a cough

    D15.Where have you been these days?

    —I have been to Beidaihe with a friend __.

    A.in Chinese B.of Japan C.of American's D.from Canada

    C16.We find it __ to do some reading every day.

    A.easily B.be enjoyable C.helpful D.interested