急需一篇关于失败或挫折的英语话题作文 适合初中生用,100个单词左右就可以?


  • Everyone experiences failure at one time or another in their lives,it is part of being human.In fact some might say it is in the forefront of the human experience,for how can we learn if we do not fail occasionally?Okay,I admit it.Sometimes failure is more often than occasionally.We've all those times when for example we've been to ten job interviews in two weeks and not one of the companies hired us.While not everyone equates such an experience with failure,many of us do.Or you've got a boss who is a perfectionist and no matter how many times you redo a project to his/her exact specifications,he/she isn't happy.

    So what do you do when you are having feelings of having failed?

    1.Remember that sometimes what you equate with failure may not actually be a failure on your part.Like the example I used above about going to ten job interviews and then not getting hired.There is no way that could be deemed failure because there are many other factors that can come into play such as; the company doesn't have a job opening they are just taking resumes and interviewing in the event one should become available,or the companies only have one or two positions and hundreds of applicants.When this is the case,count yourself lucky to have made it to the interview phase!So,ask yourself the questions,"Is this a case of my not having done everything I could do to succeed?" and "What other factors come into play here?Is this a case of failure,or just these other factors affecting the outcome?" Once you understand what is and is not a failure,you'll be better equipped emotionally to deal with whatever comes your way.

    2.Be kind to yourself.Even if you have actually failed at something such as,a test,a class,a job,or even a relationship,keep in mind that in order to learn new things we have to be willing to make mistakes,to fail.It would be a pretty boring world if we always succeeded.

    3.Remember that failure now can lead to success later.Maybe you flunked a test for example,and you now know you need to study a bit harder for the next test.Set up a plan of action that will lead to your success the second time around.