

  • 在英语中,how是个疑问副词,what是个疑问代词.在它们引起的句式中,有时可以互相换用,来表达相同或相似的意思.

    一、问天气:How…?=What…like? 如:

    How was the weather yesterday? 昨天的天气怎么样?

    What was the weather like yesterday?

    二、征求意见或建议:How about…?=What about…?如:

    How about going skating?

    What about going skating?去滑冰怎么样?

    三、问年龄:How old…?=What…the age…?你多大岁数了?

    四、问看法:How…like…?=What…think of/about…? 如:

    How do you like this film? 你认为这部影片怎么样?

    What do you think of this film?

    五、问价钱:How much…?=What…the price 价钱)of…?如:

    How much is the book?

    What’s the price of the book? 这书多少钱?

    六、“how/what+可数名词单数”构成感叹句:How + adj. + a/ an+ n…!=What + a/an +adj.

    +n. …! 如:

    How clever a girl she is! 她是个多么聪明的女孩子啊!

    What a clever girl she is!


    How high the mountains are!这些山多高啊!

    What high mountains they are!多高的山啊!


    How fast he is running!他跑得多快啊!

    How time flies!光阴似箭!