求救啊.谁来帮我编下对话.商务英语 两段话.


  • Japanes:Can you please make shipment in March?

    You:I am sorry but the best I can do is the middle of April as this is how it was scheduled per our last phone call.

    J:I need you do me a favour to ship it earlier to allow us time for preparation before placing it on the market in time.

    Y:Unfortunately we have other commitments on hands but it looks good to deliver your shipment in middle of April.

    J:understood.Is it possible to advance my shipment?

    Y:I am not quite positive but I will certainly talk my other customers to see if anyone is ok to delay their shipment.

    J:Sounds good.When will you be able to update me on this?

    Y:I should have a response for you tomorrow 11am.

    J:That will be great.I will call you then.Appreciate helping .

    J:Any good news?

    Y:Yes.One of my customer is willing to adjust their order and that makes it possible to advancce your shipment to March 22nd.

    J:Excellent!You saved the day again!Thank you very much!

    Y:you are velcome