求一篇以“We arrogant human”为题的英文演讲稿!


  • The sun,the moon and the stars are subsidiaries of the sky,which suspends above the land,we thought.If the earth is round,all right,at least it’s the center of the world.If it revolves around the sun,and the sun is merely one of those stars,well,at least the solar system is the center of the world.

    This tendency of thinking appears in our biology as well as astronomy.We are the only creature of significance,as god created us differently,we thought.After Darwin,we began to realize that we’re merely descendant of ape,but we are still the only superior and successfully evolved animal that possesses wisdom.We ignored that every creature lives on this planet today is on the top of the evolution tree because of some shining points that the nature endows it.But we’re always too pretentious to realize it.

    Our arrogant thought came into existence with the birth of our culture.I’ve read in a novel that “man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel,New York,wars and so on - while all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.But conversely,the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons.” This sarcastic assumption describes ingeniously how we human are bumptious and absurd.

    There’s only “Human” and “Non-human” in our opinion.We always ignore the rest species on this planet.In the laws of our human,we protect only the “precious” animals according to our own prejudice.Those who accompanied us for thousand years,like dogs,cats,caws,horses,were ignored easily.Don’t you feel guilty when killing your faithful dog only because it bites your neighbor accidentally?Don’t you feel it ridiculous when talking about whether it’s moral or not to apply biological texts on white mice?

    There is only one kind of creature that assembles human being so much,which only demands and asks for everything from the environment,and when the environment is exhausted and destroyed,they move on to the next place to extort and destroy more.That’s virus.Our way of life is so raw and barbarous.Now we know that we should protect our environment,for our own benefit.We never considered other’s existence unless it profits or threatens our own.Maybe when one day slaved or extirpated by another culture could we learn to respect the lives of other species?Below us-Nothing.
