

  • 1.朗读可以改进你的发音(improve)

    Reading can improve your pronounciation .


    Music-listening is a very great way of relexation .

    3.集硬币可以增加我们生活的乐趣(add to)

    Coin-collecting can add joy to our life .

    4.什么东西赚钱,这家工厂就生产什么(make money)

    This factory only produces something can make money .

    5.请把通知看后传给其他人(pass on)

    Please pass this notification on to other people after reading.

    6.我不明白是什么改变了我的生活(have no idea)

    I have no idea what changed our life .

    7.慕尼黑以啤酒著称(be famous for)

    Munich is famous for its beer .

    8.他们之间的友谊来源于信任与支持(grow out of)

    Their friendship grows out of trust and support .

    9.当心不要让碟子从你手中滑掉(mind,slide away)

    Be careful do not let the plate slide away from your hand .

    10.小孩在玩时,你要时时刻刻用眼睛盯着他(at all times)

    You must keep staring at her all the time when your kids is playing .