问两个英语时态方面的语法题 By the time he retires,my father____for almost


  • 建议你看看英语时态的结构.一共16种时态.各自表达不同时间概念.

    1.By the time he retires,my father____for almost forty years.A.has been working B.has worked C.will be working D.will have worked 答案说是D 但是我看不懂 帮我讲一下 为什么是完成时?

    这个句子意思是,我父亲到他退休的时候就工作了近40年了.他还没退休,所以要用将来完成时.将来完成时的结构就是:will have +动词的过去分词.

    2.The peasants were sure that they___another greater harvest that year.A.will have B.had C.would have D.was having 这个为什么不能选B?

    这个句子意思是农民们很肯定那一年他们会又有一个大丰收.主句农民们肯定 是过去时所以后面的宾语从句应该用 过去将来.过去将来结构就是:would +动词原形

    3.By February next year i ___ on this job for five years.A.shall be here B.must have been here C.have been here D.shall have been here 这个题是一点都看不懂 是过去将来时吗?但是为什么要加个been?

    到明年二月份我就在这里从事这份工作满两年了.将来完成时.结构will have +过去分词.其中句子中的动词是be ,过去分词是been .

    be here on this job 意思是在这里从事这份工作.
