帮我作文改错!分数大大的有!Is writing better than callingWriting,as a way


  • Is writing better than calling

    Writing, as a way of transmission of information and emotional exchange(transmit本身就是一个及物动词,可以这样变transmitting information and emotional exchange,少了一个of,是不是更好看呢?), has (换成boasts试试)a long history in China. But (这里有转折的语气,用and明显不行)with the development of society and technology, writing is being (既然是gradually,那么何妨用一个being,更直白呢)forgotten gradually.More often than not(如果不大写,一个句子有两套主谓宾成分,且中间没有连词,怎么行?还有就是many times有中式英语的影子哦), people choose calling instead of(建议你用other than,因为instead of人人都会用,有些平庸了……) writing, but now, should we forget the way of communicating with others?(这句话存在两个毛病,第一,通篇都在讲人们“forget”writing,通篇都用“forget”来表示“forget”,用词显得干瘪,欠缺灵活性,第二;用forget不太合适地加强了人们“forget”的主动性,和选择性,好像人们都故意forget一样,不太合适,建议改成should the way of communicating with others be dropped?或者should we drop the way of communicating with others 或者should the way of communicating with our friends give way to the other ones?) The answer is “no”.

    In this impetuous society(单纯的形容词+名词显得比较干巴巴,何妨在形容词前面加一个副词,in this progressively impetuous society), we need a space to think with peace of mind(建议改成with our mind in peace), when we are writing we can make ourselves calm down to think(换成rethink好一点) about our life or the feeling. When we are tired(建议改成exhausted,不走寻常路,分数自然高), we can write something to ourselves, talk to ourselves, (加一个and,形成典型的并列结构1,2and3)express our feeling. (我们累了,我们写点东西就不累,似乎有点牵强,倒不如这样改when we become exhausted,we can rethink our life or the feeling ,after we ultimately make out what on earth conduces this situation,we should go further,writing it down )

    Maybe some people will say we can call a friend to talk, but when you finish the calling(finish the calling就是放下电话不打了的意思啦,用这句话显得不专业,改成hang up,或者ring off), you maybe forget what did you say in the phone just now, but if you write it down (,一句all things will be totally different!加强一下打电话比writing差的事实)you can turn it out to see your own words in the future or when you are tired again.Seeing(一个句子只能有一套主谓宾,一逗到底,没有连词是不行的) these inspiring and encouraging words, that(改成it比较好) will be a big treasure for you! It will always remind you to get over the difficulty.

    If you want to contact an old friend long time no contacted(既然是作为后置定语,那么无论怎样,contact都不能用过去分词,因为没有“被交流”的说法,所以contacted为contacting), you can write a letter to him or her. Because if you call him or her, you maybe feel a little fear, and don’t know what to say, and this moment is very awkward(建议改成and in this moment,that will be tremendously awkward,不是“this moment”本身很awkward,而是在“this moment”下,很awkward,此外very是非常“用途很广泛,平民化很明显”的写作词汇,建议换一个高级一点的). But if you write a letter, you can recall the things between you and your old friend(你的老朋友不止一个吧,friends), look forward to the future, tell him or her about your life(还是犯了一逗到底的错误, look forward to the future, tell him or her about your life改成“.Looking forward to the future, telling him or her about your life”), your world and your feeling, you can say any things(any thing 合起来不是更好,anythings) you want to say without fear, write(还是那句老话,一个句子倘若有两套或者两套以上的主谓宾成分,一定得用从句,或者连词连接起来,否则的话必须变成分词) a sentence “keep in touch” at the end of the letter. Unconsciously, your old friend’s strange face becomes familiar, without fearing of the fear a loss for words(一连用了两个fear,显得词汇量不大,去掉the fear), only have intimacy(前面有一个谓语becomes,后面就不能have了,只能用having). If you want to show your love to someone, the best way is to write a love letter to her, you can use your power (powerful,或者mighty)words to express your love, your feeling, without escaping, and in the letter, it will make you feel confident. I (加一个still加强语气)remember my foreign teacher said that his wife had (没有必要用完成时,这只是一个简单的陈述而已)written a 20 pages love letter to him, and he was move(改成moved,被感动……). So I think writing is the best way to express(多次使用一个词,不太合适,换成exhibit) our own feeling. But if you choose to call, the moment when you say, your words will become the past, you won’t keep the words forever.

    Don’t be busy on(没有busy on doing,只有busy with doing) calling, it is necessary(necessary比较大众化,换成essential) for you to do some writing, writ down (writing)anything you want to say, feel the feeling of writing(两次用feel,中式英语的嫌疑很大,换成enjoying the feeling of writing), revel (reveling)in writing.