i hate that everything is out of my control.我讨厌事事不随我意it happens as it was so right.刚巧它却发生i was cheated by u two.forgive sounds good,but forget i think i never could.我欺骗了你们两个,原谅听起来很好但是我恐怕永远不会忘记u two totally have no idea that how much i want to forgive u.你们两个完全不知道我多么的想原谅你and how much i miss u.but...when u destroyed the trust,u destroyed everything including my life.我多么的想你,但是,当你摧毁了这份信任时,你也摧毁了一切,甚至我的生活i don't know who to trust now.我不知道现在应该去相信谁we three had so much sweet memory.and i have to learn to forget them all.now,i try to hide the hurt.我们三个曾经有多么美好的往事,我不得不学会把他们全部忘记,我尽力隐藏伤痛just move on.when something is wrong,i always told myself that everything would be all right.加油,当某些错误时,我总会对我自己说一切都会变好的and i could handle everythig,cause that was me,that was my life.我可以承接一切,因为那是我,那是我的人生
out of control什么意思
for my heart you out of control out of control中文意思00
but,I out of control是什么意思00
in charge of in control of in case of什么意思00
在英语中,in control of 和take control of 都表示管理控制的意思,有什么区别?00
Out of control!Warning!There will be a disaster here!00
Babe In Total Control Of Herself. 是什么意思呀?00
pull out of什么意思?00
looked out of什么意思00
out of concern什么意思00
out of mind什么意思00