

  • 二、许多不及物动词加上介词或副词而变为及物短语动词,这时同样可以有被动语态.但应注意短语的整体性,在变为被动语态时不应丢掉后边的介词或副词.


    a.The doctor has already been sent for.

    b.The news has never been heard of before.

    类似的短语动词有:call on,look after,talk about,look at,ask for,wait for...


    a.A new play will be put on (上演) next week.

    b.The problem has been worked out.

    类似的短语动词有:put off (推迟),think over,take off (脱、取消),look up (查询),sell out,use up (用光)...


    a.The poor were looked down upon before liberation.解放前穷人被人瞧不起.

    b.He was looked up to by everyone.他被人们所敬仰.

    类似的短语动词有:get out of,look out of,get on with,get along with (与.相处),catch up with (赶上),keep up with (跟上)...


    a.Lin Fen can take good care of your children.

    1)Your children can be taken good care of by Lin Feng.

    2)Good care can be taken of your children by Lin Feng.

    b.They never paid attention to (注意、关注) the matter.

    1)The matter was never paid attention to.

    2)Attention was never paid to the matter.

    类似的短语动词有:make fun of,make use of,make friends with,take part in (参加)...