几个英语句子的问题whether traveling to a differernt country or to a d


  • 1.Whether traveling to a different country or to a different province,you will come to possible by staying put.

    stay put 意思是“留在原处不动”,这里的 put 是形容词,表示“固定的,不变的”

    2.It's especially a good opportunity for freshmen and sophomore students looking to learn as much as they can and earn extra college credits.


    * 主语:不定式的复合结构 for freshmen and sophomore students looking to learn…


    looking 是形容词后置定语,意思是“有...样子的,有...相貌的”;

    as much as 达到.那种程度

    they can 是 they can learn 的省略

    * 形式主语:it

    * 表语:especially a good opportunity


    * 化简后的句子:It's especially a good opportunity for sb.to learn as much as …;

    * 由于主语部分太长,其中还包括一个比较状语从句 as much as hey can and earn extra college credits,为了避免头重脚轻,本句就用形式主语 it 取代用作主语的不定式短语的位置,把真正的主语后置到句末.

    * 翻译:新生和大一面孔的学生学习他们能够学到足够的知识并且获得足够的助学贷款尤其是个良机.

    3.Something moved her to continue her efforts to help poor farmers.


    1)Move sb.to continue sth.意思是“鼓动某人做某事”,很明显 to continue sth.是宾语 her 的不足语;

    2)her efforts to help poor farmers.意思是“继续她帮助贫困农民的努力”,可见 to help是 efforts的后置定语.

    4.It's a bit difficult to get hold of me

    解析:其中 get hold of 意思是“抓住,得到,拥有,找到”,所以本句的意思是“掌握我略有困难”.

    5.Anyway that's enough sales talk from me

    解析:其中 anyway 意思是“总之”,sales talk“招揽买卖的话,游说”,整个句子的意思是“总之那是从我口中说出来的足够多的游说之辞”.