It will take him two days to finish reading it.
He will finish reading it in two days.改为同义句It ()()him two da
He soet two days in mending this radio.(改同意句) It____him two00
改同义句:I will finish this work in two days.I will finish this00
英语同义句在线转换 It took him about two days to finish th00
It takes him two hours to play with his little cat.(改为同义句)He00
It takes him two hours a day to practise同义句00
It took him thrity minutes to finish reading the novel改为同义句00
it took me two days to finish the book 同义00
I spend two hours dancing every day.(改为同义句) It______ ______t00
Uncle Wang spent two days mending the computer.(改为同义句) It __00
It took him an hour to finish reading the book(改同义句)00