

  • A:May I help you

    B:Yes..Tomorrow is my sister's birthday,I'd like to buy her a present.But I don't what to choose.

    A:All right.How old is your sister?

    B:About 9 years old.

    A:For a 9-year-old kid,I suppose you should buy a skirt or some toys.Anything your younger sister like

    B:Let me think.Oh...Yes,she likes reading best.

    A:Great,your sister must be a good sudent,then just buy some books for her,I'm sure she'll be glad about it.

    B:Well,but I don't know what kind of books to buy.

    A:Don't worry.You can buy some comics.

    B:What is that?

    A:You don't know?Well,it's a kind of books which consist of pictures and funny stories.

    B:Aha,I see.I 'll buy some.

    A:OK...80yuan in total.

    B:Er...I think it's a little bit expensive.

    A:All right.90 percent discount is all we can offer.

    B:Ok,I'll take them.

    A:Here's your change.Thanks for your patronage