Book 2 Module3 请帮忙用下面5个短语造句,


  • (deeply) impressed with/by 给…留下深刻的印象

    I am impressed by his speech.他的演讲给我留下了深刻印象.

    2.split up 分手

    Mary is going to split up with John.玛丽要跟约翰分手.

    3.make a note of 记下

    Please make a note of the time now.请记下现在的时间.

    4.become/be known/famous as… 成为/知名/著名的.

    Do you want to become the best student in your school?你想成为学校里最优秀的学生吗?

    5.change… into…改变成.

    The magician changed the scarf into a little bird!魔术师把围巾变成了一只小鸟!